Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Politics of food unit

While beginning this unit, I wasn't exactly sure how I felt. I mean I didn't know that food and politics had anything to do with one another, prior to this research paper we were assigned and the movie we watched in class. Before watching the movie Food Inc. in class, I had already had prior knowledge of how animals were being treated in the feedlot factories. I thought it was sickening then and I still do today. Regardless of whether they'll all end up in the slaughterhouse anyway, I still feel that an animal has the right to fresh air and a comfortable environment prior to being cut up, packaged, and shipped off to the next grocery store. It was shocking to see how unsanitary the feedlots were, and to see that the animals weren't even fed properly. The part of the documentary that affected me most, was hearing the mother of the son that died because of ecoli infected meat and watching her fight for her son and the many others that have lost their lives or have been poisoned. We (society as a whole) never really stop and think about where our food comes from, or who exactly is shipping and packaging our food. We jus see the final product on the market. This unit has made me become more aware of the foods I eat, and has made me want to take steps further to know where my food comes from.

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