Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Our Food System

After watching the Food Inc. video in class most people were surprised of the things that go on in our good production; however, it was exactly what I expected. The things shown were sad and for some tough to watch. This did not surprise me; big business are about making money, nothing else.  After watching the video I know a few people who claimed they were going to become a vegetarian. I knew they wouldn't be able to make the switch, but I still questioned them why. Asking if they, one person, would make a difference in how food for the whole nation is produced. They knew the answer was no but still wanted to do something about the cruel ways the animals were being treated, which I fully understand. Of course they gave up the vegetarian life after a few hours; it is so hard to change the ways we eat and so easy to choose the bad foods. Why is this? There really isn't much for us to do and ways to have a major change in our food system. Will it ever change?

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