Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


So after watching Food Inc, I decided to do my research paper on Monsanto and its power. I found out that this corporation is the world’s largest seed distributor and producer of GMOs. In the movie, farmers weren’t “able to speak” and were accused for saving patented seeds. If any farmer  was caught saving Monsanto’s seeds, they would get sued for breaking the contract. I believe farmers should be treated better and the government  should stop protecting the corporations. The corporations only look for profit and actually leave the farmers bankrupt. I think they shouldn’t be allowed to “license life” because a seed can easily be transferred on accident. What if it’s transferred through the wind or by a bird? Farmers caught with a single seed that belongs to Monsanto are sued and lack the ability to defend themselves. Monsanto and others are controlling lives. There should be a change of how farmers are treated since they are the ones to produce our food.Besides harming the farmers, the GMOs aren’t proved to be safe. We don’t know what we are eating and we are harming the insects with the pesticides.

1 comment:

  1. The corporations hold an iron fist over farmers and it's a sad sight to see. The government protects the corporations since they are the ones with the money. You know and I know that farmers should be treated significantly better;but, as long as the corporations are standing, that change doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon.


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