Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, June 11, 2015

socratic seminar

The Socratic seminar was very insightful because every one had different views and opinions about the education system.   In my opinion, both students and teachers are at fault. Teachers and students have to work together in order to achieve great academic success. I believe that in order to better our education we need to start young. For example, there should be more baby colleges because they have proven to be quite successful. We need to get them excited about school at a young age. We also need to better the school system where there is high levels of poverty because they are the ones that really need all the help they can get. Those kids want to learn and they should be able to do so. No one should be deprived from their education. The government needs to manage their money better because we can't keep depriving these kids from learning.

Last Socratic Seminar

Today in class people were pointing out a lot of great opinions. I agree with Ariel when she said that teachers shouldnt be allowed to get tenyard so easily. I also agree when they were saying that its not always teachers fault children are influenced at home. When children do not want to learn it makes teachers jobs harder and it makes teachers not want to teach, same with teachers if they do not want to teach then studetnts wont want to learn. From personal experience i loved a subject and when i went to ask the teacher a question they would just role there eyes. He would answer my question, but i wouldnt want to ask another question. I want to point out what adam was saying about good and bad teaching. When someone receives bad teaching and they go and try to teach other people, how is that benefiting? Where is the line drawn between good and bad teaching? I beleive that teachers shouldnt be allowed to receive tenyard so easily. Two years is way to short to receive tenyard, If i was a teacher and i was to receive tenyard after two years then i would most definently not try harder after the first two years. Anyone could work there but offer two years if they were garentied to not be fired after the first two years. Tenyard is basically letting teachers do whatever they want and its not fair for the students.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Research Paper

While writing this paper for ERW I have learned many things about my writing skills, and the way I go through the writing process. The paper that I produced is by far not the best piece of writing that I have produced. When I enjoy my topic, and am very interested I have the ability to write a very good paper. I had very little interest in the politics of food because all the information that I learned in this unit have been talked about in news, and media already. The food inc movie that we watched in class was very interesting but for the most part I already new that our food was produced that way. One thing I learned from that video was that you can own rights to a type of bean. So as I was saying in the beginning, my paper isn't the best but I did learn some valuable skills that made me a better writer. I learned how to cite properly, research information, and how to create a good thesis statement that gives the reader a good sense of what your paper will be about. I will have to write many more papers in college, but my major is sports buisness and sports is what I love so it will be fun to write about topics that I have plenty of interest in. 

Food incorporate

 We watched Food Inc in class, I was shocked and disgusted. I always heard about the kind of awful treatments that livestock face. It's cruel and the treatment should be handled in a different manner. Farmers deal with unsual circumstances on the daily basis. Living conditions of the animals are horrible.  The chickens couldn’t move around since they are injected with steroids to speed the growth process. The chickens don't have enough room to walk around. I don't see how manufacturers say they do everything for the consumers and make sure the customers stay safe, yet their food they're trying to sell is not as fresh as they portray.  

AF: On NPR Today>>the rise of fake meat

Everybody recognizes that our meat consumption is just not sustainable.  So is fake meat the answer?  Will the food scientists come to the rescue?  If we can make meat in the lab, then gee, that frees up lots of land water, feed, and cleans up the environmental problems inherent in feed lot life.

Politics of food unit

While beginning this unit, I wasn't exactly sure how I felt. I mean I didn't know that food and politics had anything to do with one another, prior to this research paper we were assigned and the movie we watched in class. Before watching the movie Food Inc. in class, I had already had prior knowledge of how animals were being treated in the feedlot factories. I thought it was sickening then and I still do today. Regardless of whether they'll all end up in the slaughterhouse anyway, I still feel that an animal has the right to fresh air and a comfortable environment prior to being cut up, packaged, and shipped off to the next grocery store. It was shocking to see how unsanitary the feedlots were, and to see that the animals weren't even fed properly. The part of the documentary that affected me most, was hearing the mother of the son that died because of ecoli infected meat and watching her fight for her son and the many others that have lost their lives or have been poisoned. We (society as a whole) never really stop and think about where our food comes from, or who exactly is shipping and packaging our food. We jus see the final product on the market. This unit has made me become more aware of the foods I eat, and has made me want to take steps further to know where my food comes from.