Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Language, Gender, Culture?

In the unit that we are currently studying, Language Gender and Culture, I’ve noticed that the articles and works that we are reading and annotating have much to do with the way our society works. In the article “His Politeness is Her Powerlessness,” by Deborah Tannen, the author is explaining how women have a lower status than men in any society, not just the American one. I personally agree with her, even though I do not fully agree with the way things are set. I personally believe that women should not have to act a certain way just because they are women. What does that even mean? It is 2015. I believe that the author agrees with me on my opinion, but I cannot be too sure because she takes a neutral stance for most part of the article. In paragraph 6, she then goes to say that women use indirectness asa  form for communicating because they often feel one-uped by men, not personally but on a greater scale. Tannen then goes to describe how in past, ancient civilizations, indirectness was a form of politeness. For example, in the Japanese culture, it was frowned upon if indirectness was not used while making lunch plans. I personally think that whichever way you would like to speak, speak it. No matter your gender, boy or girl, I believe that your personal preference is all you need to make you happy. Of course in certain situations, like job interviews or in a certain type of relationship, then it is necessary to speak a certain way. But in general, I believe that no matter who you are, you do not need to speak a certain way. It’s your life, your voice, you use the words and style that makes you happy.


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  2. I agree with you on this, an individual shouldn't have to feel lesser than another just because they speak the way they do, indirectly or directly. I feel like the view of genders, women being inferior to men, won't change any time soon because the world is male dominated, it always has been and it most likely will stay that way.

    1. Totally agree with you Cailyn, we can only hope for the next generations to realize that no matter the gender, it is your mind that rules. Not body parts. Hopefully in the next generations, things will change for the good. :)


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